How To Help a Friend or Loved One Deal with Addiction
For any rehab process, the person with the addiction needs to want to go.
Attempts at rehab without the active commitment of the person struggling with addiction will almost invariably fail. We recommend that you:
Learn as much as you can about addiction and rehab options. To start, listen to some online radio articles on ABC Radio National. They provide a great overview of current thinking and issues.
Talk with your doctor about support available to you to support your loved one.
Often the window of opportunity to get someone into treatment can be small. So, accordingly, get everything ready, so that when your loved one makes the decision to quit their addiction, they can go straight into residential rehab. This preparation includes having researched and identified your preferred detox and rehab program, having funds available and understanding the intake process and requirements.
Participate in meetings of Al-Anon, Family Drug Support or another support group for family members affected by addiction. Or seek professional counselling for yourself. The personal growth, insights and mutual support gained will help you become far more effective in relating helpfully to a loved one struggling with addiction. Although you are not the addict, you play an ongoing and important role in their recovery.
If we are your preferred rehab program then contact us so that, together, we can get ready.